Preparing Your Roof For Winter

Winter is in full gear, but it doesn’t mean you cannot still get your roof prepared or learn some new knowledge for next year’s winter. There are many things you can do to keep yourself protected from the harsh weather. Roofs can handle a lot, but they will last even longer if you take care of them like you are supposed to. Here are a few ways that you can start preparing your roof for winter.

3 Tips To Prepare

Preparing Your Roof

Clean Your Gutters – Gutters are a major factor in the health of your roof. If a gutter becomes too full of leaves are dirt it can become very heavy and weigh down on your roof causing serious damage to the side or edges of your roof. This will also damage your gutter which means a higher cost for you in the long run. If you see your gutters filling up, clean them out or hire someone to come out and clean them for you.

Cut Back Branches – If you have a tree that has branches that hang over the side of your roof, it may be time to think about cutting them back. When there is a storm, it can rip branches off trees and throw them right into your roof causing serious damage.

Inspection – It is wise to have an inspector come out to your home once a year to take a look at your roof no matter how new it is. This is a great way to get questions answered and be able to see if there is anything potentially dangerous around your home for your roof. We want you to start preparing your roof for winter as soon as possible.

If you have questions about preparing your roof for the weather changes, give Cincinnati Gutter & Roof Protection a call at 513-563-9988 today.